NetResults ProblemTracker
Inet Page (Anonymous Add)

Note: This feature is included in ProblemTracker Enterprise Edition and as a separately purchased option for ProblemTracker. If you have not entered the Inet Page license key, this feature will not appear in your system.

The Inet Page is a form used to anonymously submit records to ProblemTracker. After submitting a record, the user is provided with the record number of the newly added record by ProblemTracker. The Inet Page can be used, for example, as a web based suggestion box.

A user who submits a record through the Inet page is not required to login to ProblemTracker. However, since the user does not have a user account, they will not be identified in the record (Reporter field will be set to Internet User), will not receive email notifications from ProblemTracker, can not log in to ProblemTracker to view the status of the issue they reported, and can not have issues assigned back to them for verification (e.g. to sign off on the resolution of the issue). To have access to those features, the user must have a ProblemTracker user account, login to ProblemTracker, and submit the issue via the Add page.

A sample Inet Page is displayed below.

Enabling the Inet Page

To set up the Inet Page for use by external users, perform the following steps:

Enter the Inet Page license key into the License Manager
You must enter a license key into the License Manager in order to use the Inet Page feature.

Enable the Inet Page in the General Preferences section

  1. Login to the workgroup as Admin
  2. Click on the Admin icon
  3. Click on the General Preferences button
  4. In the General Options section, set Enable Inet Page to "Yes"
  5. Click on the OK button to save this change

Customize the Inet Page Options

  1. Login to the workgroup as Admin
  2. Click on the Admin icon
  3. Click on the Inet Page Options button
  4. If desired, set the Background Color field by entering the HTML color code for the desired background color. This field must be of the format #XXXXXX.
  5. If desired, customize the top of the Inet Page by entering your own HTML code into the Custom HTML (Top of Page) field. Note that all file references must be fully qualified; relative paths will not work.
  6. If desired, customize the bottom of the Inet Page by entering your own HTML code into the Custom HTML (Bottom of Page) field. Note that all file references must be fully qualified; relative paths will not work.
  7. Check the box for the option Enable File Attachment if you wish to allow users that submit records via the Inet Page to upload file attachments when submitting a record.
  8. If Record Visibility is enabled, select the user groups which should be able to access records submitted via the Inet page in the Make Visible To These User Groups field. The Admin user group is not available for selection in this field because the Admin user group can always access any record added via the Inet page.
  9. Click on the OK button to save your changes

Customize the fields displayed on the Inet Page
Certain fields are displayed on the Inet Page by default. Browse to the Inet Page to see which fields are currently displayed by going to


where servername is the TCP/IP host name of the machine where ProblemTracker is installed and workgroupname is the name the workgroup you are trying to access. For example, to reach the workgroup called pteval installed on the server called myServer, you would browse to


To change whether a field is displayed on the Inet Page:

  1. Login to ProblemTracker as Admin
  2. Click on the Admin icon
  3. Click on the Define Record button
  4. In the In Use column, click on the field you wish to add or remove from the Inet Page
  5. Click on the Edit button
  6. To add a field to be displayed on the Inet Page, set the option Include in Inet Page to "Yes". To remove a field from being displayed, set this option to "No".

    Check the value of the Record Order option for this field. This field determines the order in which the fields are displayed on the Add and Inet Pages.

    Check the setting of the option Required for Add. If this option is set to "Yes", this field will also be require a user to enter a value for this field when submitting a record via the Inet Page.

To create a new field to be displayed on the Inet Page, use the information in the Customizing the Data Record section.

Customize the pulldown options displayed on the Inet Page
For the pulldown fields displayed on the Inet Page, you can limit the option menu values available for selection. For example, if a pulldown field called Priority is displayed on the Inet Page and you do not want Inet Page users to select the value "1", you can set the value such that it is not displayed in the Priority field on the Inet Page.

To set whether a pulldown option menu item is displayed on the Inet Page:

  1. Login to ProblemTracker as Admin
  2. Click on the Admin icon
  3. Click on the Option Menus button
  4. Click on the Edit Items button to the left of the pulldown field you wish to modify
  5. Click on the Edit button to the left of the option menu item you wish to modify. To remove an option menu item from being displayed on the Inet Page, uncheck the option Value is Public.
  6. Click OK to save this change

If desired, apply web security to your ProblemTracker installation
You can use the user authentication provided by your web server to limit access to the rest of your ProblemTracker installation. Review the information in the Web Server Security section for information on applying standard web server security to your ProblemTracker installation.

Using the Inet Page

Once you have enabled the Inet Page using the steps above, your users can browse to this page by going to


where servername is the TCP/IP host name of the machine where ProblemTracker is installed and workgroupname is the name the workgroup you are trying to access. For example, to reach the workgroup called pteval installed on the server called myServer, you would browse to


To submit a record using the Inet Page:

  1. Browse to the URL of the Inet Page
  2. When the Field Help icon () is present, you can move the cursor over the icon to see a description of the field.
  3. Enter information into the fields displayed
  4. Click on the Submit button to save the new record
  5. A confirmation page will be displayed with the record number assigned to the new record
  6. Click OK to return to the Inet Page to submit another record

Characteristics of Records submitted via the Inet Page

Records submitted via the Inet Page have a few differences when compared to records submitted via the Add Page:

Reported By field
All problems reported using the Inet Page are filed as having been reported by a special built-in user named Inet so that you can quickly identify (or search for) problems reported using the Inet Page.

Transitions where New Assignee is the Reporter
If a transition has New Assignee set to be the Reporter of a record, when this transition is selected for a record reported via the Inet page the record will be routed to the State Manager of the New State rather than the Reporter (since records cannot be assigned to the user called Inet listed as the Reporter). For more information about transitions, please review the Workflow Transitions section.