NetResults Tracker for Product Life Cycle Management
NetResults Tracker is a powerful, easy-to-use web-based collaboration tool. See how NetResults Tracker can help your company.
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The Problem: Quality Software, Hardware, and Product Development
Developing quality products requires development processes to be enforced, enhancement requests and issues to be tracked and managed, and status to be made available in a timely fashion to everyone involved.
A sample software development process may consist of the following stages: design, development, unit testing, system integration, system testing, beta testing, and release. Each of the steps of this process may consist of other finer steps. Problems find in any of the steps may require you to resolve the problems and repeat the earlier steps. In each of the steps, developers need to communicate to make sure that the components developed by each individuals fill work together and to share knowledge and experience.
NetResults Tracker Solution
NetResults Tracker enables you to:
Coordinate and track the tasks and development processes automatically. Software development requires the collaboration of several developers. With Tracker, when the task assigned to an individual is completed, the next person in line is automatically notified and assigned the next step of that task.
Improve communication and knowledge sharing among members of your team.
Enforce processes and accountability automatically. The workflow in Tracker can be customized by you to reflect the process that your company has adopted for the project.
Report and measure the progress of the development continually. Provide status, reports, charts, and graphs to everyone who needs to know. Escalate and notify as appropriate.
The result is higher quality products, lower costs, and quicker time to market.
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