The body of a ProblemTracker email notification is divided
into seven sections which you can configure. Listed from the top
(first line of email body) to the bottom, they are as follows.
- Greeting - the first line of the email, e.g. "Hello Sue Smith,".
- Introduction - a few lines to introduce the email, e.g. a
sentence or two to let the user know this is an automated response
from ProblemTracker.
- Operation Description - a few lines to describe why this
email notification is being sent, e.g. this issue has been assigned
to you (the recipient of the email).
- Link - link (URL) to the record in ProblemTracker (record is
displayed after you enter your login information).
- History Comment - the History Comment that was entered by
the user who triggered the email, e.g. comment they entered when using
the Edit operation to update a record.
- Fields - the fields of the record this email notification
references. Which fields are included can be limited by User Group.
- Signature - the last section of the email, typically used
for the signature at the bottom of the email (contact information).
The Greeting, Introduction, and Signature can
be configured per product (for example, the signature part can be
different for each product support group). The Subject line of the
email as well as the Operation Description part of the email body
can be configured per email notification rule. Each product
can have its own unique set of conditions (defined by the email
notification rules) which trigger email notifications.
User Group membership (privileges) of the recipient can be used to determine
which parts of the email are sent. And, each recipient's personal
preferences are used to customize the content of the email they receive.
For example, Date/Time fields will be formatted according to the recipient's
time zone and date and time format preferences.
Email notification preferences are customizable for each product.
However, it is very likely that some aspects of the preferences
are common across all products. ProblemTracker
allows you to specify a default set of email notification
preferences that are applied when a new product is added
to the workgroup. Some or all of these default preferences
can be pushed down to (overwrite the current preferences for) all
existing products as well.
Default Email Preferences
To set the Default Email Preferences, follow the steps
below to add, edit, or delete the default email Notification
Rules and to set the default Common Email Content. The Default
Email Preferences will be used as the email preferences for newly
added products. You can also use the Push Default
Email Preferences to All Products operation to update the
email preferences for all existing products to match the (perhaps
recently updated) Default Email Preferences.
To add an email Notification Rule:
- Login to the
as Admin (or another user who is a member of the
Admins user group).
- Click on the Admin icon.
- Click on the Email Configuration button.
- Select the option Set Default Email Preferences,
then click on the Continue button.
- Select a Condition (details of each option that can be selected
are described in the Options section
below). Check the Notification Rule List to see if the
condition you selected is already on the list. If so, you may wish to
edit an existing preference rather than create a
new one.
- In the Notification List, select the user(s) and / or user
group(s) that should receive
an email message when the condition occurs. Descriptions of the
special user roles such as Assignee, Reporter, etc. can be found
in the Options section below.
- Enter information into the Subject field. This text will
appear as the Subject line of the email message generated when the
condition occurs. Up to 80 characters can be entered as the Subject.
- Enter information into the Operation Description field. This
text will appear in the body of the email message after
the Greeting and Introduction. Up to 255 characters can be
entered as the Operation Description (end of line characters
do count towards that limit).
- For the Subject and Operation Description,
you can specify variables so that information from the issue that triggered the
email notification is included. For an explanation and example of the variables that
can be used, review the Variables section below.
- Click on the Add Notification button. The preference will now
be displayed in the Notification Rule List. Except when the Notification
Rule is selected, it will be displayed with a green background until you click
the OK button. This is to let you know that this rule has been added, but has
not yet been saved. You can continue to create more rules, or you can click
the OK button to save your changes.
To edit an email Notification Rule:
- Login to the
as Admin (or another user who is a member of the
Admins user group).
- Click on the Admin icon.
- Click on the Email Configuration button.
- Select the option Set Default Email Preferences.
- Click on the Continue button.
- In the Notification Rule List, click on the Notification Rule
you wish to modify, then click on the Edit Notification
button (you can also simply double click on the Notification Rule).
- The fields in the Notification Rule section will be updated
with the information associated with the Notification Rule you selected.
- Make changes to the fields in the Notification Rule section.
- Click on the Update Notification button. The Notification Rule
will be displayed with an orange background color until you click
the OK button. This is to let you know that this rule has been edited,
but the changes have not yet been saved. You can continue to edit more rules,
or you can click the OK button to save your changes.
To delete an email Notification Rule:
- Login to the
as Admin (or another user who is a member of the
Admins user group).
- Click on the Admin icon.
- Click on the Email Configuration button.
- Select the option Set Default Email Preferences.
- Click on the Continue button.
- In the Notification Rule List, click on the preference
you wish to delete, then click on the
Delete Notification button
- Click on the OK button to save this change.
To set common email message content:
- Login to the
as Admin (or another user who is a member of the
Admins user group).
- Click on the Admin icon.
- Click on the Email Configuration button.
- Select the option Set Default Email Preferences.
- Click on the Continue button.
- Enter or edit information in the Greeting field. This information
will be displayed as the first text in the body of all email messages
generated by the email Notification Rules listed above.
Up to 80 characters can be entered as the email greeting.
- Enter or edit information in the Introduction field. This information
will appear immediately after the Greeting in the body of all email
messages generated by the email Notification Rules listed above.
Up to 255 characters can be
entered as the email introduction (end of line characters
do count towards that limit).
- Enter or edit information in the Signature field. This text will appear
as the final portion of the body of all email messages generated by the
email Notification Rules listed above.
Up to 255 characters can be
entered as the email signature (end of line characters
do count towards that limit).
- For the Common Email Content fields,
you can specify variables so that information from the issue that triggered the
email notification is included.
For an explanation and example of the variables that
can be used, review the Variables section below.
- Click OK to save your changes.
Setting Email Preferences for a Product
To set the email preferences for a product, follow
these steps in the Default Email Preferences
section above, but instead of selecting Default Email Preferences,
select Set Email Preferences for Product and select a Product in the
pulldown to the right of the Set Email Preferences for Product selection.
When specifying email preferences for a product, you will also
have one additional option: Load Default Values. If you click the
Load Default Values button, the current Default Email Preferences
will be used to overwrite the settings for the product.
After loading the default email preferences, you can customize the rules
for the product. Make sure to click OK to save your changes
when you are done (you must click OK even if all you do is click Load
Default Values to update the product email preferences to match the default
email preferences).
Push Default Email Preferences to All Products
You may wish to push a certain set of email preferences to all Products
to minimize the amount of manual configuration done across all products.
To push a default set of email preferences to all products within your workgroup:
- Login to the
as Admin (or another user who is a member of the
Admin user group)
- Click on the Admin icon
- Click on the Email Configuration button
- Select the option Push Default Email Preferences to All Products,
then click on the Continue button
- The Rule List, Greeting, Introduction, and Signature as configured
in the
Default Preferences section will be displayed.
Check the boxes to the left of the preferences to wish to push to all
products. The preferences with boxes checked will overwrite any
current settings in each of the Per-Product Email Preference sections.
- Click OK to proceed with pushing the selected preferences
to all products
Limiting Email Content by User Group
You can limit the information contained in an email notification message
by user group. To limit the sections included in the email messages
(e.g. Greeting, Introduction, Signature, etc.), enable or disable the
Email Privileges
for each user group. To limit the fields (e.g. Reported By, Assigned To,
Description, etc.), set the field visibility for
each field
or set the field visibility for each
user group.
Options Available when configuring Email Preferences
Details of the fields that can be set in the Default and Per-Product
Email Preference section are described below.
The Conditions below are the actions that can trigger an email notification
message to be sent.
- Add
Setting a preference with this condition will send an email
notification message when a record is added to the workgroup: using the
Add page, using the
Inet page,
using the Clone operation
on the View page, by submitting via email,
or by executing the ProblemTracker API AddRecord operation.
- Edit
Setting a preference with this condition will send an
email notification message when a record is edited
using the
Edit operation.
- Delete
Selecting this condition will send an email notification
message when a record is deleted using the
Delete operation.
- Task
Selecting this condition will send an email notification
message when the
Task operation
is performed on a record.
- Change of
There are 2 parts to the Change of condition:
- Change of Status to <State or State Group>
Creating a preference with this condition will send an email notification
message when a record's status is changed to the State selected.
If a
State Group
is selected, an email notification message will
be sent when a record's status is changed to one of the states in the
State Group selected.
To select this condition, select Change of in the first pulldown,
select Status in the second pulldown, then select the State
or State Group that should used for this preference.
- Change of Assignment
Creating a preference with this condition will send an email
notification message when a record's Assignment (Assigned To field)
is changed. To select this condition, select Change of in the
first pulldown, then select Assigned To in the second pulldown.
Variables that can be used in the Email Content
There are a list of variables that are supported so that you can
reference the specific record number, status, assignees when
entering the content for email notifications. For example,
if you want the Subject line for a preference to say
"PRN 31 previously assigned to Development Manager has been
re-assigned to Developer One", but since each record has an
individual record number and may have various possible
users that can be assigned at any point in the process, it is necessary
to enter the content using variables. To set the Subject line
such that it will enter the relevant PRN and user names for
each record, enter the following into the Subject field exactly as
it appears below:
PRN <number> previously assigned to <old assignee>
has been re-assigned to <new assignee>
The variables supported by ProblemTracker are listed below
To specify this information in the email content |
Enter this variable into the field |
record number - PRN |
<number> |
workgroup name |
<workgroup> |
previous user selected in the Assignee field |
<old assignee> |
new user selected in the Assignee field |
<new assignee> |
current user selected in the Assignee field |
<assignee> |
previous state selected in the Status field |
<old status> |
new value selected in the Status field |
<new status> |
current state selected in the Status field |
<status> |
the user selected in the Reporter field |
<reporter> |
the user receiving the email notification message |
<recipient> |
the user whose action triggered the email |
<action user> |
In addition to the variables listed above, you can also include the
value of any field in the record (except for BigText/TextArea and
Date fields) by specifying the Field Name (in all lower case characters) and
surrounding the name with < and >.
For example, <text1>, <pulldown23>, or <product>. To find the
Field Name for a particular field, click on the Admin icon, click on the
Define Record
button and note the name in parentheses (to the right of the Field Label).
You can also select the field and click the Edit button between the two panes
to view the field properties. The Field Name is the left-most property
in the Field Attributes section. Note: The field name variable must be specified
in all lower case characters (e.g. <text1> not <Text1>) to be
properly recognized by the ProblemTracker email processor.
Notification List
The options below are available for selecting which
users receive email notification messages for a particular preference.
The user currently assigned to the record
Assignee (new)
The user assigned to the record after a change in the record's Assigned To field
has been made
Assignee (previous)
The user who was assigned to the record prior to a change made in the
record's Assigned To field
The user who created the record using the Add or Inet form
State Manager
The user who is listed as the manager of the record's current
state according to the per-product
Workflow Properties
State Manager (new)
The user who is listed as the manager of the record's current
state (according to the per-product
Workflow Properties)
after a change in the record's Status field has been made
State Manager (previous)
The user who is listed as the manager of the record's previous
state (according to the per-product
Workflow Properties)
prior to a change in the record's Status field
User Groups
All user groups in this workgroup will be displayed to be selected for the
Notification List